Spanish pilgrims: an experience of faith, welcome and fraternity
2023-07-03 05:52:36
Spreading pilgrimages to the holy places is one of the missions of the Custody of the Holy Land. Today, with the increase in the number of pilgrims, the commissariats are an important aid in promoting and guiding those who want to have the experience of seeing and touching the roots of faith.
Seventeen friars from the Province of the Immaculate Conception in Spain have come to the Holy Land to do spiritual exercises but not only. Guided by the brothers of the Custody, they were able to deepen the spirituality that flows from each place they visited.
Province of the Immaculate Conception, Spain
"I remember on my first trip a priest from the Archdiocese of Madrid said that coming to the Holy Land should be mandatory for all priests. Surely he was joking but he also dared to say that priests should never preach without having set foot in the Holy Land. ...
I am 75 years old, I came here, but very cautiously and using a stick."
Province of Arantzazu, Spain
"I became a friar late; I have an adult vocation. I made my first profession in 2016 and will be ordained a priest next month, July 16. This pilgrimage was special: not only was it a kind of preparation for the priesthood, not just a visit to the Holy Places, but we did spiritual exercises during the days we were here, and we were able to listen to the different brothers who are in the Holy Places.
Holy Land Deputy Commissioner - Spain
It was a beautiful integration experience in the Holy Land. We had a beautiful experience in every place we visited. They gave us not only the Word, reflection, but also food: a coffee, cookies, a drink...a very generous welcome.
And from the "Federacion Bética de Clarisas" in Spain, a group of 30 nuns from the Order of St. Clare also came to the Holy Land, many of them for the first time. A journey of a lifetime, full of joy and gratitude.
Federación Bética de Clarissas - Spain
A trip that was gifted to me for my birthday. My community allowed me to see the city I bear in my name - Bethlehem. I saw Bethlehem and all the holy places where the Lord passed by. Every step, every breath you think of Him. It is the same air that the Lord breathed and that’s impressive.
Federación Bética de Clarissas - Spain
It is an emotion that cannot be explained because it is a hands on experience. And if anyone has any doubt of faith, everything changes here because it is true that Christ lived here, inhabited this place, was crucified and was resurrected.
The sisters were welcomed or visited the communities of friars and Poor Clare nuns living in the Holy Land. This was another goal of the trip: to experience fraternity and understand a little more about the living stones here.
They were also welcomed by Brother Francesco Patton, Custos of the Holy Land. With them he shared different experiences, talked about the current situation of Christians, but also about the daily work of the friars in all the shrines, their way of keeping the flame of prayer and charity alive.
Federación Bética de Clarissas - Spain
"We experienced common moments that we are happy about. We have experienced fraternity and we commit ourselves to prayerfully support these brothers who are giving their lives to guard the Holy Places."
A gratitude that comes from the heart for the opportunity given to see the Holy Land and for the hospitality offered by the friars of the Custody.
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