A conference on the topic, "Why Do (Some) Jews Spit on Gentiles"

2023-06-22 14:21:20
A conference focusing on attacks against Christians in the Holy Land, entitled "Why Do (Some) Jews Spit on Gentiles" was sponsored and organized by the Center for the Study of Relations Between Jews, Christians and Muslims at the Open University of Israel. At the center of the discussion was not only the escalation of attacks against Christians in the holy city in recent months but also the social and religious reasons for a phenomenon that is unfortunately on the rise. Br MATTEO MUNARI, ofm Studium Biblucum franciscanum The practice of spitting on a person in order to despise him, as if to get away from the impurity of this person, is something we find already in very ancient tales. Even within the Passion narrative we find people spitting on Jesus, during the Jewish trial, but then also the Roman soldiers spitting on Jesus and saying, "Behold, Hail King of the Jews." Dr IRIS SHAGRIR The open University of Israel What interests us most is the fact that there is a contrast with the spitting phenomenon in Europe from many years ago when Jews were a small minority. It was a kind of of defense, a kind of demonstration of courage against the act of humiliation they were they were suffering. What we are interested in today is the reversal that has happened here in Israel, and it happens here every day, because the Jews, who are the majority of the population, are the ones who actually perpetrate this action. Dr ANNE GUTGARTS Haifa University It began as a Jewish act of defense and was then internalized in the Christian narrative and reverberated in Jewish sources. A phenomenon that is a constant feature in interfaith dialogue. Prof. Yair Furstenberg wanted to explain from a theological perspective how spitting on the gentile is against Jewish law Prof YAIR FURSTENBERG The Hebrew university of Jerusalem Jewish law is a principle - guide for all Orthodox Jews. Our knowledge makes us realize that what they are doing is not even close to Jewish law; it goes against the general trend of Jewish law. Knowing that these people are acting out of their own motivation, out of misunderstanding, gives us, anyone who wants to, a chance to create a peaceful environment. A growing phenomenon as reported by data presented by Jewish researchers, who are also promoters of a hot line dedicated to collecting complaints from Christian victims. YSCA HARANI Researcher history of Christianity I started with my volunteers, now I have 70. You can report the case in 10 languages, we are still missing the Ethiopian language, but you can report in Russian, Ukrainian, Greek Italian, Spanish, French.... Just write down the details. At the end of each month we will submit a dossier. When we started I had 5. While we are sitting here I got 1. So it works! But these same Christians are the first ones who still need to set a good example. Br MATTEO MUNARI, ofm Studium Biblucum franciscanum When there is someone who persecutes us, someone who despises us, someone who spits on us, we are called personally to show the love we have for those people as well. Jesus said, "You have heard that it was said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemies. But I say to you, love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you." We are called to set an example of a love that has no boundaries, which goes far beyond the contempt we may suffer.

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