Moses - Mount Tabor in the Bible! (2nd chapter)

2024-04-15 11:53:18
In this second chapter, Brother Alexander Coniglio tell us about the figure of Moses who appears connected to the Transfiguration narrative. Moses and Elijah are key figures in the Salvation History of the Old Testament. Specifically, Moses is the great leader of Israel whose life spans from the beginning of the Book of Exodus to the end of the Book of Deuteronomy, his existential journey spanning four books of the Old Testament. In the Book of Exodus, we learn about his birth, his call on Mount Sinai, where he then leads the people after being freed from Egypt—from Exodus chapter 19 onward—to receive the gift of the Law at Sinai. Therefore, the architect Barluzzi wanted Moses to be depicted here, in this chapel, right at the entrance under one of the bell towers of the modern sanctuary of the Transfiguration, holding the tablets of the Law with Mount Sinai in the background.