Pilgrims from all over the world visit the Basilica of the Nativity and the Shepherd’s Field

2018-12-27 08:57:24
On December 25th, the great flow of pilgrims in Manger Square continued uninterruptedly. Great feasts, music and joy: everything to celebrate the birth of the Child Jesus, which took place two thousand years ago. José Gonzales Seminarist Neo Catechumemnal Way "We have come to meet the Messiah who came into our lives, he really wants to enter our lives. Many times we cannot understand our suffering, our cross, our history. A Saviour has come for us. God Himself has come to visit our history!". ROSE WANGUI Student - Kenya "We came to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ who saved us, we are very happy!" JOAN KERUBO Student - Kenya "Yes. We are very happy to be here today, it's a privilege". The movement of the pilgrims in the Basilica of the Nativity was intense throughout the whole day. Every half-hour the faithful had the opportunity to attend the Masses that were celebrated in the Grotto of the Nativity.  Father FRANCESCO GIOSUÈ VOLTAGGIO Seminar Rector Redemptoris Mater - Galilee "We are happy to be here, thank God that Joy returned here in Bethlehem and also many people, many pilgrims did. We wish everyone Merry Christmas from Bethlehem. May the Lord bless you and can always give peace here in Bethlehem, where God himself has become man! " In the afternoon, the friars of the Custody of the Holy Land participated in the Christmas procession in the two shrines that recall the episode narrated by the gospels of the angel who announced to the shepherds the birth of the Savior. First they prayed in the Greek Orthodox monastery, then went to the Campo dei Pastori kept by the Franciscans. Fr. ARTEMIO VÍTORES GONZÁLEZ, ofm Guardian Franciscan Convent Santa Catarina ad Nativitatem It is important to remember that here, here were the shepherds, simple people, insignificant, despised by the Jews because they stank, they did not go to the Synagogue, but they were the first witnesses, who found the courage to go to Bethlehem (...) They felt the joy of finding a little child that for them and for us is God present.    People from the five continents and local Christians are pilgrims to the places where the Saviour was born! Merry Christmas!