Good Friday Collection

2018-03-26 09:12:32
A thousand-year-old story passed down in the land of the prophets through oral tradition and biblical texts. [A story] announced through the life, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. A story without an end, which started with the first Christians and which continued over the centuries, with the arrival of the Franciscans in the Holy Land 800 years ago, who dedicated their lives to the protection of the shrines, the welcoming of pilgrims from all over the world and the care of the living stones: the local Christians. The Pro Terra Sancta Collection on Good Friday helps Christians throughout the Middle East, and in the present time, it will be primarily used to provide aid to Syrians. A story that can only continue through your help. The Holy Land is the cradle of humankind: help us to support it. Donate through your parish or through the Commissariats of the Holy Land.