Wilderness of Judea: the place where Jesus overcame temptation

2017-03-01 14:19:10
Fr. PEDRO LUIS PEREIRA RODRIGUES Student - Studium Biblicum Franciscanum - Jerusalem "The main feature of the desert is first of all loneliness, dryness. Just look around and you will realize that we cannot find anything that is essential to our lives, there is no food, no water ... " Two thousand years ago, in this desert, the desert of Judea, Jesus spent forty days and forty nights ... Here he fasted and was tempted by the devil ... Fr. PEDRO LUIS PEREIRA RODRIGUES Student - Studium Biblicum Franciscanum - Jerusalem "After receiving the baptism, Jesus came here to develop his project of life: to be the one who opens the way into the desert for the people for whom He was sent. How? Through a purification and at the same time a renewal of the covenant that God made at Sinai and wants to make with each of us today." The desert experience is directly associated with Lent ... and with our lives! Fr. PEDRO LUIS PEREIRA RODRIGUES Student - Studium Biblicum Franciscanum - Jerusalem "If Jesus is able to overcome three temptations and a period of deprivation of forty days and forty nights in the desert, He is telling us that, assuming our nature, if we surrender to God, we too will be able to overcome the same temptations. We will also be able to face this desert period and discover the opportunity of something good arising from it.”