The Pentateuch between Judaism and Christianity

2016-04-06 07:33:03
The 41th biblical-theological refresher course organized by Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem, ended Friday, April 1st. Four days of discussions of biblical themes from the Old and New Testament. Fr. MASSIMO PAZZINI, ofm Studium Biblicum Franciscanum "After the past year’s experience , where we took a general look at the Holy Scriptures, we decided, on the last year participants’ advice, to narrow the view of our study to a portion of the Bible. So we decided to start from the very beginning, that is, from the Pentateuch.” The title of the course was "the Pentateuch, the Torah, between Judaism and Christianity." Every day we studied a fascinating subject, such as: the two accounts of creation in Genesis; the revelation of the merciful God, after the sin of the golden calf; The book of Leviticus, heart of the Jewish faith; the book of Numbers: the wandering in the desert; Articulation and theology of Deuteronomy; The rabbinic exegesis of the Holy Scripture and Introduction to Judaism: Jewish religious practice. As per tradition, each edition of the course includes Biblical tours. Fr. GIANANTONIO URBANI Studium Biblicum Franciscanum "In the morning we listen to the Incarnate Word of God; in the afternoon we go to the places that show the words written by God. We take care of the archaeological , topographic and environmental elements, because we know that this land is the jewel, the precious pearl that is really close to our heart." Fr. PIETRO FELET, scj Secretary Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries in the Holy Land "I believe these are very interesting topics; this is an opportunity to participate with others: we are not only receiving a private formation, but we can also exchange ideas and compare, and this helps us grow." BARBARA PANDOLFI Pisa - Italy "The content has involved me to a great extent. It was very interesting, especially the study of certain areas of the Old we will study the New Testament. I actually got some ideas for novelty and reflection that I think are important and interesting. " Fr. MARCO Reggio Emilia – Italy "The study of this year, especially with this basic Old Testament of the Pentateuch is significant. It is very important, especially in these last lessons, to have read about the presence of the Torah in the Gospels, about the presence of Jesus...I am thankful for the opportunity to be here again and for this refresher course the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum offers us ". The Pentateuch in the Gospel of Matthew; Genesis in the Fourth Gospel: Abraham in John's Gospel Fr. AMADEU GOMES CANELLAS Brazil "This is a great blessing, because we had excellent teachers and the presentations are very clear. It was great to take part in this refresh course, especially the study of the link between the Pentateuch and the Gospel of St. Matthew in connection with the Old Testament. "
 ANDRES BERGAMINI Italy "It is very interesting, because it always refers back to the scriptures and to our oldest and most important traditions. This is a very interesting study, especially linked to the situation of Jerusalem here and our life here; I also enjoyed the afternoon tours to the holy places. " More than a hundred participants were present and many more were the ones who were able to connect via internet from home, thanks to the live broadcast of the event. A success beyond all expectations. Fr. MASSIMO PAZZINI, ofm Studium Biblicum Franciscanum "This year the turnout was higher than expected: 100 attendees since day 1. This gives us great pleasure. I also got confirmation on online followers from abroad ; on streaming, live, from day one. This morning, a religion teacher informed me that he and his entire class are following us on line, since they were unable to attend in person.”